December 27, 2006

Aunts and Uncle Visit St. Peters

Jennifer, Jaimie and Josh came in for a visit today. Josh is in the states from the UK for a week. It was great seeing all of you.

Home Improvement

I installed my first door this week-end. It was successful, due to all the professional help I had of course. Angie captured a video during this that could be the definition of chaos, I would post it, but Riley is tearing around in her signature birthday suit.

December 24, 2006

Snickers of Bentwood

The girls met our new puppy, Snickers. (We had to trade Cindy Lou Who with the breeder) So far Snickers has taken well to being trained.

December 13, 2006

Riley practicing for her desired Sesame Street apperance on how to brush your teeth.

This is one of our favorites. She does this every other day.

December 12, 2006

Hayden's Post

She has enough smiles to get her own post.

*Note: No animals or babies were hurt in the making of this video.

December 04, 2006

Christmas Decorating

Well it felt like something out of a National Lampoon's movie, but we found and harvested a Christmas tree.

November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

We got a lot of pictures from our visit to grandma's. Everyone got a turn with the horses, except for Angie, who just got chased by them :)

October 31, 2006


The new neighborhood is perfect for Trick or Treating. Getting the candy was fun, but Riley passing out the treats when we got back home was the highlight.

October 21, 2006

We moved into our new home today.

After about a week of hard work, all new carpet and paint, we were able to move into our new home in St. Peters.

Thanks a lot Matt, I owe you a ton!

We are on the Apex of horse-shoe street and in a small cul-de-sac, so the traffic is perfect for the kids. This neighborhood has 10 times the amount of children in, so all the girls have lots of friends close by.

The 'honey do' list is a mile long, so if you come by for visit, wear some overalls, cause you aren't leaving clean!

October 18, 2006

We are having a boy!

I have seen the ultra sound myself, and it is quite conclusive. I guess we are going to have to change the title of the blog. Due date is May 17th.

See... there is a picture of mom eating boy making potion.

October 14, 2006

Happy Second B-Day Riley!

We celebrated Riley's B-Day the same day as Hayden's. At least she got her own Elmo cake. Angie made it, pretty cool huh?

October 07, 2006

Hayden turns 1

Hayden and Kyle celebrated their 1st birthdays this week-end. Well the just ate the cake, we did most the celebrating.
Kyle and Hayden were side by side in the NICU for 3 months. It isn't very typical that two unrelated kids have the same nurse their entire stay.

September 26, 2006

Musing Pics

I find these funny. Here is a site that takes you down some computer history.